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With melody titles like â€Å"L’Via L’Viaquez† and â€Å"Cygnus Vismund Cygnus,† The Mars Volta has pu...

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 67

Essay Example Another very admirable feature of the behavior of Germans is the respect of the younger for the elders. German children respect their parents a lot which lays the foundation of a strong family system in Germany. The young ones spend time with the elders, seek advice from them and try to benefit from their experience and wisdom. Germans also â€Å"respect foreign cultures and learn their languages† (Bernstein 45). On the other hand, Americans are more focused upon equality of rights and individual’s freedom irrespective of age difference. They are not quite as particular as Germans about showing reverence for their elders while communicating with them. American youth tends to cultivate a culture of friendship with the elderly and since equality is one of the fundamentals of friendship, the young ones tend to approach the elderly as their parallels. Unlike the Germans, the Americans don’t make much effort to learn the foreign languages. Instead, the foreigners ente ring America learn the Americans’

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