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Saturday, October 19, 2019

Observations and child interactions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Observations and child interactions - Assignment Example He would pull himself up on couches, chairs and tables and very quickly do a scramble from one edge to another, but when he was about to stand without support, he would totter and fall quickly to his bottom. Sometimes this upset him and at other times he would just try again. The observations took place on two different days. Interpretations The first observation was made over the course of about five minutes. When the mother sat on the floor with her child, their bond was clear by the way he would respond to her movements. He understood her cues just like she could anticipate his movements. They had played this game on many occasions. She would hold out her hands with the palms up which would get him excited. He would slap at them until he placed his hands in hers, sometimes scooting a bit towards her on the floor. Pulling himself up by holding onto her hands, he would stand while making eye contact with his mother. She sucked in her breath and make a unique repeating blowing sound between her lips as she stood up on her knees, and then rose to her feet. Bending over with his hands in hers, she would then kiss his forehead and then say â€Å"so little man, where do you want to go?† The child responded by taking steps towards her, moving more quickly until he started to fall forward at which point she scooped him and swung him around as he laughed. The practice of walking was a game with a chronology that they both seemed to expect. This same ritual happened on both occasions when they were observed. This interaction was highly interactive with the child and the mother watching each other intently. She spoke in warm, happy tones as they both prepared for the end of the ritual. The relationship with the grandmother was a little different. The interactions between the grandmother and Kyle were done also on two occasions for about five minutes. The grandmother took Kyle’s hands rather than waiting for him to give them to her. She pulled him to his fe et, and then led him walking from one place to the other. Although Kyle was energetic and was enjoying moving from place to place, his focus was on his feet and where he could run, but he was not focused on his grandmother’s face. She eventually picked him up and kissed his neck, making him laugh and then clap. The second time I observed them she pulled him to his feet and let him around the room, but he tripped and fell, falling to the ground. She tried to sooth him but his mother came to intervene. The second interaction happened three days later in about 5 minutes each. The grandmother, the mother, and the child were all in the room. This time the grandmother went first. She lifted Kyle to his feet and began to walk him around the room, his feet stepping over one another as he pulled and she pulled in different directions. Kyle became frustrated and it ended with him in tears. His mother picked him up and soothed him. Eventually, she sat on the floor with him, kissing him and laughing with him, keeping her eye contact with him during the prelude. Eventually she put her hands out, but he did not immediately put them into hers. He did within a minute, however, and then they stood together. He took more tentative steps at first, but when he realized that he was in control of where they would go he began to step in different directions. He tired more quickly than he did than during the first observation,

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